Our Concept
The SprachenGalerie offers now a Learning Course for Guest Professors and Lecturers of all nationalities. After one month in this course you will have been taught all the necessary basic German language skills that you need in order to adjust to life in Germany as quickly as possible.
The course teaches you not only the German necessary to get along in the university’s teaching environment, but also everyday German for any number of situations. Topics such as small talk, getting around, and personal interests will also be covered as according to your personal needs.
Since the course is tailored for your exact needs and strengths, it is also possible to bring in some of your family members to sit in on some of your lessons and learn along with you.
Family members will also need to learn German and adjust to German culture and life as quickly as you will. Since your family will also want to have social contact to the life around them, it is helpful for them to also be as prepared as you will be for your new life in Germany.
German for Guest Professors and Lecturers
Our highly motivated trainers from around the world use many diverse teaching methods and audio-visual media
A small glance at our course options:
German culture and cross-cultural communication
Understanding common German business behaviors and attitudes
Everyday German for understanding Braunschweig people
Small Talk, conversational German
How to telephone effectively
How to write e-mails
Technical German
Current political and economic issues in Germany
Our Course Packet for Guest Professors and Lecturers includes the following:
An introduction to Germany workshop for you and all members of your family
50 lessons for the Guest Professor or Lecturer in both the SprachenGalerie and around Braunschweig
5 lessons for the Guest Professor together with their partner or child
lessons on bureaucratic German for government/university offices and formal situations
The introduction workshop for your family is designed to make all of your family members feel welcome and more at home in Braunschweig during the first few weeks of adjusting. There is also the possibility of a day trip throughout Braunschweig with one of our German trainers to learn more about the city and German culture.
Quickly get over your anxiety
Systematic build-up of everyday vocabulary and the most useful words
Strategies to explain grammar rules without causing confusion
Lessons are first reduced to only the most essential elements, then we work to find solutions to your personal goals
Our contributions to your success
Flexible teaching hours to fit to your schedule
Personal consultation meeting
We “diagnose” your language needs
Self-created learning material and creative new teaching methods, designed to tailor to your needs
Optimized learning experience
We create an unforgettable learning atmosphere for you.
Feel free to contact us by telephone if you have any further inquiries.
We look forward to your visit